Topaz restyle plugin minimum requirements
Topaz restyle plugin minimum requirements

topaz restyle plugin minimum requirements

Snap Art is a full-featured Windows/Mac plug-in/standalone program that allows you to easily create charcoal drawings, color pencil drawings, comics, crayon drawings. Overall, Impression is a powerful, full-featured digital art tool, and Studio 2 has a very reasonable price. Impression is especially useful for charcoal drawings, colored pencil drawings, da Vinci drawings, oil paintings, and pastel drawings. After tweaking your look settings, you can save them as a custom look. You should experiment with modifying the looks. Texture: Background material and background strength and solidity can be set.Vignette: Vignette size, strength, transition, roundness, color, and center position can be determined.Lighting: Brightness, contrast, highlight, shadow, can be altered.Hue, saturation, and lightness of the entire image can also be controlled. Where the color is present in the image can be previewed. Color: Each major color can be varied by hue, saturation, and lightness.Coverage: How fully does the paint cover the canvas.Smudge: Strokes are blurred and stylized, losing detail.Spill: Strokes "spill" out over their normal edges.Stroke color variation: Increasing this value makes strokes have a wider range of color.Stroke rotation: If enabled, rotation variation can also be controlled.Paint opacity: How transparent is the paint.Paint volume: How thick does the paint look.Number of strokes: High, medium, and low.Bush: There are currently 17 different bush options.The real power of impression is not evident until you start using these controls. Impression has a cornucopia of controls, and each control can be customized by applying the look, selecting the Impression layer, and then clicking on the down arrow.

topaz restyle plugin minimum requirements

Below the name is the Impression layer where the look controls are.

topaz restyle plugin minimum requirements

Studio 2 uses layers, and the selected Impression look name appears in the upper right. Impression has a number of presets (called looks), including chalk, charcoal, colored pencil, da Vinci drawing, Degas, Edward Hooper, Impressionist, palette knife, Pointillism, Renoir, pencil, sketch, van Gough, watercolor, and other effects.


It is important to download and test this program prior to purchase. Topaz Studio 2 is frequently updated, and the below description may not reflect the state of the product when you read this. Topaz Studio 2 is resource intensive and it has minimum hardware and OpenGL requirements. Topaz Studio 2 can be run as a stand-alone product or as a Photoshop plug-in. It is a very powerful and highly customizable tool for transforming photos and other images into a wide variety of digital artworks, such as drawings and paintings.

topaz restyle plugin minimum requirements

Previously a separate product, Impression has just been merged with Topaz Studio 2, a powerful full-featured photo editor.

Topaz restyle plugin minimum requirements